Returning to a city that is not quite home has been less than comforting. It is familiar, but not warm as home should be. It is new, but not as exciting as a completely unconquered land. It nearly feels like a complete circle, with no deviations along the route. So uncomplicated and yet, so tedious to stay within the lines.
Perhaps it is the constant trudge of house hunting, job hunting, dog walking, constant movement forward.... but towards an unknown goal. The condescending nature of these searches is enough to debilitate a fragile soul. Craigslist postings are nearly as downcast as the local news. Wanted ads: "Family of three plus dog, just moved here to take care of sick grandma, need home desperately, less than $2000 please!", so sad. "Single male with dog, need home less than $1500", ridiculous. "Looking to meet a random stranger and share a room or couch with them if it means that it will cost me less than $500 a month", really? "Free room, females only", sick!
The task of unearthing my love for familiarity is daunting, but possible nonetheless. I quote a recent comment made by an acquaintance in regards to his recent travels to New Zealand, "its great, but it aint Canada". Men and women will desert their family, friends, and entire life savings at the opportunity to call themselves Canadians, (or any other government accepted term that permits them to stay here for life). And yet, between these oceans there are many boys and girls, just like myself, who struggle to establish life within these walls. Unsure of what may possibly lay overseas.