This is an unoriginal post. But one day after I made myself a promise to post a blog everyday, I am tired and running dry of ideas. I just logged onto my facebook account in an attempt to procrastinate from firing up my brain and attempting to allow the wheels to spin without too much friction. I noticed a plethora of messages stating that I had been tagged in people's lists of 25 random things about me. Ta da.... I laugh at the boredom that people must face in their daily lives to conjure up 25 useless facts about themselves. But yet I wonder if I have the creativity to do the same about myself, with a five minute cap to add a little excitement. 12:05AM right now, 5 minutes starts now...
1) I have lived in several different places/cities: Calgary, Toronto, Vancouver (Kitsilano), Whister, North Vancouver, Scarborough, and Belleville. In the past five years I have lived in more than 20 houses and been "homeless for more than 9 months whilst traveling.
2) When I graduated high school eight years ago now, I wanted to be a writer. I applied and was accepted to Carleton's journalism school but turned it down to move out West and be closer to the mountains. I heard that UBC had a 4X4 pass which offered a season pass to Whistler for three hundred bucks.
3) In my first year of University I bough that 4X4 pass. I also joined the cross country team at UBC and only snowboarded once that entire year. I also switched from Human Kinetics to Sociology and back to Human Kinetics again.
4) In my second year of University I applied to the University of Western Ontario and was accepted. At the last minute I decided to stay in BC. Rather than leave the beautiful province that it is, I did what I really wanted to do and ended a relationship that dragged on too long and dragged way too much out of me. Then I fell in love with BC.
5) My favorite country that I have visited is Indonesia. I spent three months there on a break from school in my third year of Uni. I found the people and the country to be totally bizarre. Perhaps it was the legal mushrooms that adorned my pizzas and milkshakes, but there as something fantastical about the place.
6) A man attempted to mug me in Kuala Lumpur. I had just made a silly purchase of a pink leather purse in Bangkok and stupidly stuffed it full of all of my important belongings. Yes my passport, money, credit cards and all identification hanging precariously below my arm pit. My traveling partner and I were having a recurring argument and I uttered the words "your being a complete bitch", suddenly I felt a violent jerk. I thought she had pushed me into the 12 lane highway that we were standing beside. It turns out a man had ripped around the corner on a motorcycle and grabbed my purse, problem being, my super hero reflexes instigated me to hold on. I was dragged mid air for two blocks cursing at the motorcycle thief when he finally gave up and let go, ending my little joyride leaving me bloody and scarred, but victorious nonetheless.
7) Since I was a little girl I have always hated adults. As I grow older though it is harder to mask, and to deal with in everyday situations. The worst part is that many of my friends are slowly being transformed into this evil, judgmental, selfish, species I dislike so much.
8) I try to drink more than 2L of water everyday. When I was in University my track coach started making me record the amount of water I was drinking because he thought I was chronically dehydrated. Little did he know that he would instigate a complete OCD habit that I still attempt to ignore. But I still find dehydration to be responsible for every negative feeling that might creep through my body.
9) I decided to apply to nursing school when I was walking on the Camino De Santiago in Spain. I decided on a whim to head down to Spain and do this famous pilgrimage solo. I walked 400km in 11 days, ending with two massively swollen achilles tendons, a walking cane and repulsive bed bug bites adorning my hands and face. It was on the second day that I randomly sought out an internet cafe to check which schools were still accepting applications. Calgary was the only one, so I sat outside a store that I was told "may or may not: have a fax machine for 4 hours during siesta. Fatefully there was a machine and I sent off my application.... which landed me in Calgary.
10) I don't love Calgary. I hate driving and it seems that you have to own a car to have a life here. I find it scary at night, I never feel safe walking alone, even during the day actually. It seems that all there is to do is work out, eat, drive, drink, and spend money that I don't have because its ridiculously expensive to survive. I also find it way too cold and I have spent more money on moisturizer in this last year than my entire life.
11) This is the second time I have lived with a boyfriend, but this time it feels way different. It doesn't feel wrong at all.
12) I don't hate Valentine's day, or New years eve or birthdays. I do hate Christmas. I find Valentine's day to be a very interesting and confusing day. I feel uncomfortable sitting in a restaurant full of couples doing the exact same thing for the exact same reasons. But at the same time I would be very upset if I did nothing. Oddly, I feel that I will be cheating on all my girlfriends across the country on V day, I wish they could somehow be here too.
13) I have a schauzer poodle (schnoodle) named Shadow. I got him when I was in grade 4 from a pet store for Christmas. I picked him because he sneezed alot and I thought it was cute. He is 16 and going strong. Just 10 days ago we got a new dog named Jada, she is a boxer. I researched her history thoroughly, ensuring to acquire her health history for the last 5 generations. She is being fed raw food and is basically a completely organic dog...if that is possible. But when I think of all the trouble we are going to and the extra money we are spending to ensure she is as healthy as possible, I wonder if it is necessary? Shadow is 16 and healthy aside from his stinky teeth, and basically has survived on the equivalent of McDonald's for the entirety of his life.
14) I do not know how to write concisely. I wish I could. But it feels so good to hear the click click click of the keyboard.
15) When I misspell a word when I am typing I will continue to backspace backspace backspace and retry spelling the word repeatedly until I get it right. When and if I do find the correct spelling I feel as if I am the champion of the world.
16) Right now I am wearing a brownie dress as a shirt. I found it at a vintage store in Vancouver and paid way too much for it. I can't help but think that the little girl who wore this cute dress must have had the broadest and fattest shoulders ever.
17) I always thought I loved the ocean until I went to Panama this past Christmas and realized I am deathly terrified of it. I don't understand the currents and potential rip tides and such. I now can firmly state that I want to live on a beautiful, calm and luke warm lake.
18) I will be done nursing school in 7 or so months and I can't help but think "I wish I were a writer".
19) I hate talking on the phone. It may be due to my slight (others may say: severe, while others still may say non-existent) ADHD. I agree but also think that it has to do with my 1980 Nokia cel phone that is impossible to simultaneously hear out of and talk into. I prefer to text.
20) Comfy shoes are the most important thing in the world to me. When I leave in the morning I want to know that I have the ability to walk and walk and walk with no pain or problem whatsoever. When I was a little girl I wouldn't wear shoes, we are talking 12 years old... but when my freinds' parents started washing my blackened feet in their bathroom sinks before permitting me to walk on their carpets, well I stopped being their friends. And soon after I started wearing shoes.
21) I went to boarding school. In the first year I loved it. In the second year I was there I was on a trampoline when a massive 6 foot 200 lbs boy was suddenly 15 feet in the air heading towards me in a bellyflop position. I kicked my legs up to block him but he grabbed my foot and wrenched it to the side tearing the ACL, PCL and MCL in my knee. I found that year depressing to say the least.
22) I wish I were an artsy fartsy writer and master of many more art forms, but I still can't stop identifying myself as a jock.
23) I really like muay thai. It feels completely natural to hit and kick things in a perfectly controlled rage. But my commitment to training is like an unhealthy relationship. It's all or nothing, when I train I don't do anything else. Right now it's nothing and I am okay with that.
24) I used to smoke and every time I have a coffee I wish I still did.
25) I wish I could sing. I hear the potential for a beautiful voice in my head but when I open my mouth I sound like a seven year old girl who is being beat up by her older brothers. Maybe I have to come to terms with some things from my past before I can find my true voice. Maybe I just have a bad voice.
12:54AM, way too time consuming. I must learn to write more with less. Another day.